New Vacancy

New Vacancy: Teacher of Nurture Base

Our Governors are seeking to appoint an outstanding and enthusiastic Nurture Base Teacher with the ability to deliver effective teaching and learning at Key Stage 3 across all curriculum areas. You will need to be a practitioner who consistently delivers high quality teaching with the ability to inspire, engage and motivate students. You will also need have excellent communication skills, be ambitious and be a strong team player and above all else, you will need to be dedicated to excellence in all that you do.

This role is suitable for both ECTs and colleagues with one or more years teaching experience.

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Letter to Parents: Year 10 Summative Assessment

Letter to Parents: Working Together to Improve School Attendance

Following the recent updates to government guidance on attendance, there have been changes to the ways in which Broughton Hall is required to manage term time holidays...

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GCSE Results 2024

GCSE Results 2024

We would like to offer a massive congratulations to our Year 11 pupils who have received their GCSE grades today. We are extremely proud of the commitment and perseverance they have shown throughout their studies.

We wish them all well in their next steps and look forward to many of them returning to Broughton Hall Sixth Form in September.

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A Level Results 2024

A Level Results 2024

We are very proud of our Year 13 who have worked so hard throughout Sixth Form and have achieved so much personally and academically.

Congratulations to our many students who have progressed onto some fantastic Apprenticeships and Universities. #Proud

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PSHE - Help, Support, Advice and Guidance

PSHE - Help, Support, Advice and Guidance

Help, Support, Advice and Guidance for April 2024.

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Year 11 Assessment Timetable - February/March 2024

Year 11 Assessment Timetable - February/March 2024

Year 11 Assessment Timetable - February/March 2024

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Confirmations 2024

Confirmation for Year 8 Students and also older students who may have missed the opportunity in recent years

The archdiocese of Liverpool is inviting young people in year 8 (and above) to receive the sacrament of confirmation. Confirmation is a sacrament through which we receive the Holy Spirit to make us stronger and more perfect Christians and true witnesses of Jesus Christ. The preparation for the sacrament will begin in school with an introduction to the sacrament from Animate, the archdiocesan youth ministry team. Year 8 pupils will then study the subject of confirmation in their RE classes.

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Year 11 Support Sessions

Year 11 Support Sessions

Year 11 Support Sessions.

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Letter to Parents: Year 10 Summative Assessment

Letter to Parents: Year 10 Summative Assessment

As part of our assessment programme, your child will complete their first summative assessment examinations week beginning 15th January 2024.

Pupils will complete a summative assessment in each subject and all assessments will be taking place during your child's timetabled lessons. Heads of Subject will be scheduling when the subject assessments will take place giving at least one week's notice. Our assessment practice ensures any required access arrangements are provided during examinations and we highly encourage pupils to engage with the arrangements. Additional resources have been made available in class and via Class Charts to support your child's revision and progress.

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Help, Support, Advice and Guidance

Help, Support, Advice and Guidance

Help, Support, Advice and Guidance.

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GCSE Results 2023

GCSE Results 2023

We would like to offer a massive congratulations to our Year 11 pupils who have received their GCSE and B-TEC grades today. We are extremely proud of the commitment and perseverance they have shown throughout their studies.

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A Level Results 2023

A Level Results 2023

We are absolutely delighted and proud of our Year 13 students! Some fantastic results achieved and apprenticeships / university places secured for next year!

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Liverpool City-Wide Dance Competition

Liverpool City-Wide Dance Competition

On Wednesday 24th May Broughton Hall Dance Competition Team competed in the secondary dance event. Our pupils performed 'outstandingly' they represented our school and themselves with drive, passion and enthusiasm. The groups demonstrated variety in terms of their talents, technique and performance skills.

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Neurodiversity Week

Neurodiversity Week

As a school we celebrated Neurodiversity week, for inclusive practice and to celebrate differences and superpowers across school. Students and staff were actively involved throughout the day and shared differences and superpowers by completing umbrella project tasks.

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Careers Fair 2023

Careers Fair 2023

To help with our Year 9 students choosing their elective choices we had our annual Career Fair. We had a variety of businesses, universities and colleges attending including Liverpool City Council, HMRC, Balfour Beatty, Liverpool University.

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Term Dates for 2023/24 now available

Term Dates for 2023/24 now available

The term dates for the 2023 - 2024 school year are now available.

Term Dates 2023/24
Matilda the Musical

Matilda the Musical

The sound of laughter, cheering and energy echoed from the Dance Drama Theatre at Broughton Hall. It was our first production after many years and it DID NOT disappoint! 4 performances across 3 days demonstrated months of hard work and dedication from our pupils creating an outstanding performance that had the audience on their feet and wanting more.

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Letter to Parents

Letter to Parents: Union Action - Strike Day - Tuesday 28th February 2023

Letter to Parents: Union Action - Strike Day - Tuesday 28th February 2023.

Year 7 and Year 8 Sports Hall Athletics

Year 7 and Year 8 Sports Hall Athletics

A team of Year 7 and a team of Year 8 pupils were selected to represent Broughton Hall in the Liverpool School Sports Partnership competition on Wednesday 25th January at Greenbank Sports Academy. The two teams competed in their age groups and demonstrated tremendous resilience, team work and all round sportsmanship.

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February 2023 half term Revision Sessions

February 2023 half term Revision Sessions

Pupils are invited to attend revision sessions at the times appropriate to their studies below. Pupils should enter and leave through the front black gate. Pupils must sign in and out at the computer screens in pupil reception so we have a clear record of who is on site for safety reasons.

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Tomi Komoly Visit

Tomi Komoly Visit

To mark Holocaust Memorial Day we had the honour of welcoming Tomi Komoly back to Broughton Hall this week, Tomi is a Holocaust survivor and he came in to school to speak to pupils about his life during and after the Second World War.

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Confirmations 2023

Confirmations 2023

Any young person in Year 8 who wishes to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation can register for Sacramental preparation between 16th January and 17th March. For more information and to register, please visit:

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Awards Evening December 2022

Awards Evening December 2022

We enjoyed a special evening celebrating the achievements of students past and present. Our Guest of Honour, Rachel Brown-Finnis gave awards out to students and spoke to us all about her journey and how should aspire be the best version of ourselves and celebrate our uniqueness.

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Shine Award Year 8 Wild Roadshow

Shine Award Year 8 Wild Roadshow

As part of their Shine award, year 8 pupils had the opportunity to meet a range of Rainforest and Desert animals and mini-beasts, linking with our Geography curriculum. Pupils saw how the Rainforest animals' bodies are adapted to a warm, humid climate and learnt about how they hunt for food and hide from predators.

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Message for Parents from Professor Matthew Ashton, Director of Public Health

Message for Parents from Professor Matthew Ashton, Director of Public Health

We are seeing lots of children with winter infections. This message is to give you information about how to protect your child from common winter infections, and when you should seek medical attention...

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Broughton Hall World Cup 2022

Broughton Hall World Cup 2022

The sounds of excitement, teamwork and perseverance echoed from the sports hall at Broughton Hall. Across three days the PE Department held our very own World Cup for our KS3 pupils.

The pupils had the opportunity to gain knowledge about the competition and how The World Cup provides an opportunity for countries all over the world to share sporting moments together. Each form where assigned a different country to represent and compete for the title.

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Awards Evening Guest of Honour: Rachel Brown-Finnis

Awards Evening Guest of Honour: Rachel Brown-Finnis

We are delighted to welcome Rachel Brown-Finnis to Broughton as our Guest of Honour for Awards Evening taking place on Thursday 15th December.

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Ofsted pride for Broughton Hall!

Ofsted pride for Broughton Hall!

It is with great pride that we attach a copy of the final report from our Ofsted inspection prior to its publication of the Ofsted website. The inspectors have acknowledged the good work taking place here at Broughton Hall. The report states that "pupils and students are proud to be part of Broughton Hall". They "enjoy strong relationships with their teachers and pastoral staff." "Pupils respond well to staff's high expectations of what they can achieve and how they should behave".

"Staff do all that they can to help pupils do well in school."

The report recognises the hard work of both staff and pupils. The school finds itself in an exciting position, as we continue to strive to ensure our pupils and students strive to be the best version of themselves, both personally and academically.

Read More & Ofsted Report Document
Sixth Form Information Event 2022

Sixth Form Information Event 2022

We were delighted to welcome prospective sixth form students to our Information Event on Thursday 24th November. The evening was very well attended and we welcomed students from Broughton and across the city. Year 11's and parents had the opportunity to speak to course leaders, students and staff about our Sixth Form.

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Sensory Christmas Grotto

Sensory Christmas Grotto

Support the RSB Winter Festival which is taking place on the 26th November 2022, 10am to 2pm.

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Autism and Anxiety Session

Autism and Anxiety Session

This course is aimed at parents and carers and looks at Autism and Anxiety. This session is held over ZOOM on Monday 21st November 7pm - 8:30pm To book, please email for the link to register with Eventbrite.

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Cross Country at Camp Hill

Cross Country at Camp Hill

On Wednesday 19th November the Year 7 cross country team took to Camp Hill to compete in a 1.6km race with 82 participants! The course was tough, and as you can imagine the hill was a difficult climb to finish on.

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Year 11 STEM visit to 3M PLC

Year 11 STEM visit to 3M PLC

On Wednesday 19th November 14 of our Year 11 students visited 3M PLC in Skemesdale. The students where given a tour of the facilities and shown how the fire safety masks are produced. Students where given a task to show the supply chain of the 3M products. Students had the opportunity to meet different employees from 3M including the Operations Director and many of the senior engineers.

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National Human Resource Director Visit

National Human Resource Director Visit

Some of our Year 13 A Level Business and Marketing students had a chance to meet the National Human Resource Director, from Stadler Rail. They were able to ask questions about Stadler Rail and use their learning from the lessons to link this to the business.

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Letter to Parents/ Carers from Head teacher

Letter to Parents/ Carers from Head teacher

Letter to Parents/ Carers from Head teacher.

Past Student - Rain Castillo!

Past Student - Rain Castillo!

Last week we welcomed past student Rain Castillo. Rain studied Applied Business, Health and Psychology and went into nursing. During the pandemic, Rain decided that nursing was not her vocation and wanted to pursue her first love; music.

Rain was always a keen musician and dancer but had always performed in her own time and as a hobby.

Taking the leap to change career was a big decision as her family had always encouraged her to be a health worker. Her brave decision is paying off now as Rain's ambitions and dreams continue to flourish.

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Congratulations Year 11

GCSE Results: Congratulations Year 11

We would like to offer a huge congratulations to our Year 11 pupils who have received their GCSE and B-tec grades today. We are extremely proud of the pupils and the commitment and perseverance they have shown throughout their studies.

We wish them all well in their next steps and look forward to many of them returning to Broughton Hall Sixth Form in September.

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Congratulations Year 13

Congratulations Year 13

We would like to congratulate Year 13 on achieving their A Level results! We would also like to acknowledge their commitment towards their education and their time given to Broughton Hall.

We are hugely proud of our students results the many successful destinations that our Year 13 have gone onto. We know they all have a fantastic future ahead of them and wish them the best of luck for whatever they pursue!

Congratulations to all our students on a fantastic set of results and to the following students who have achieved some of the highest grades!

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Art Exhibition 2022

Art Exhibition 2022

The Art, Photography and Design department recently held an exhibition of Year 11 GCSE and Year 13 A level work in the striking space of the convent conservatory. After being unable to hold an exhibition for the past couple of years due to covid we wanted to put on a showcase to celebrate our students who, despite having a tough couple of years, still managed to produce some spectacular work.

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Free School Meals Summer 2022

Free School Meals Summer 2022

The Summer Activities and Food programme starts soon and there are lots of great activities happening over the school holidays for children, aged from reception to 16 years old, who are eligible for benefits related free school meals. They will be able to access hundreds of activities throughout the Summer break including specific provision available for children with SEND or additional needs. There's a great range of activities across the city including boxing, trampolining, football, music, dance, cycling, cooking, climbing, films, bowling, arts and crafts, drama, Jubilee activities, trips out and much more! Every day there will be a meal available for every child that attends...

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Year 10 Exam Timetable June 2022

Year 10 Exam Timetable June 2022

Year 10 Exam Timetable June 2022.

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Duke of Edinburgh Award June 2022 Update

Duke of Edinburgh Award
June 2022 Update

Year 9 pupils enrolled in the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award will soon be taking part in their assessed expedition which will involve navigating and completing two days of walking with an over-night camp in the Ribble Valley.

The expeditions are taking place on 24th & 25th June and 1st - 2nd July. Pupils will only attend one expedition and have already been e-mailed the date they are attending...

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Awards Evening 2022

Awards Evening 2022

On 7th April we celebrated our annual Awards Evening, recognising the achievements of our A-Level, GCSE and KS3 students across our curriculum areas. It was very special to finally celebrate this event in person again. We were delighted to welcome back Ms Clarke as our guest of honour who spoke about her own journey and gave our students their awards.

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Summer 2022 Examinations

Summer 2022 Examinations

As we move forward towards this year's external examinations, please take time to read the official information showing for your year group.

Please ensure you are understanding the rules set out by JCQ regarding items not allowing in exam rooms and the implications of having these items on your person i.e. Mobile Phones, iWatch etc. Bringing these items into an exam room can result in disqualification from your examinations.

Please be aware of your candidate number, you will need to add this to all exam papers, along with your signature (where required), this is to determine the correct script is marked for each individual candidate.

Individual EduLink timetables are now showing rooms and seat numbers, if students feel they need a hard copy please visit Mrs Chantler's office.

We would like to wish everyone the best of luck for your examinations this summer.

The Girls' Network: Body Conference Workshop

The Girls' Network: Body Conference Workshop

This week, students from year 10 and year 11 attended a Body Conference workshop led by the Girls' Network. The session focused on positive affirmations and inner confidence and self-worth. The students were fantastic - well done all!

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History Golden Ticket Winners!

History Golden Ticket Winners!

Well done to Molly, Jess and Ruby on their fantastic work in history this half term. Over 100 students, across all year groups, were selected by the history team to receive a Golden Ticket for academic excellence. In the raffle this morning, Molly, who is currently studying History at A level, won the first prize, while Jess in year 10 won the second prize and Ruby in year 7, won the third.

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Year 8 Shine Award - Zoo Lab

Year 8 Shine Award - Zoo Lab

Year eight have taken part in the Zoo Lab, a hands on animal encounter workshop, as part of their SHINE award. Building on the learning of the Rainforest ecosystem topic of the Geography curriculum and bringing it to life. Students are developing a curiosity about the world we live in and were excited to meet and hold a variety of rainforest animals. A Brazilian Rainbow Boa snake called Rio twirled its tail around their wrists with its prehensile tail like it would the trees in the Rainforest canopy.

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International Women's Day with the LFC Foundation

International Women's Day with the LFC Foundation

On Wednesday 8th March to celebrate #IWD the Year 7/8 football club attended an inspirational workshop highlighting the importance of celebrating achievement, raising awareness of a healthy body and mind; as well as having FUN!

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International MathWorks Math Modelling Challenge

International MathWorks Math Modelling Challenge

Our students successfully competed in the International MathWorks Math Modelling Challenge (M3 Challenge) over half term, running for a total of 14hours!

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Liverpool Readathon

Liverpool Readathon

Broughton Hall are taking part in the Liverpool Readathon from next Monday 28th February-March 11th. Instead of completing Maths4Life before lesson 5, students are kindly asked to bring in a book to read which they will read over the two-week period.

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CUT Performance

HPV Vaccination Campaign - Important action required by 04/03/2022

Important action required by 04/03/2022

Could we kindly ask that all parents/carers access the below link (Use google chrome)

This will provide you with useful information about the forthcoming HPV vaccination campaign and will enable you to make an informed decision about your child's vaccinations and health.

Please complete your child's HPV consent form even if you DO NOT want your child to receive this vaccination by Friday 04/03/22, as this will avoid you receiving further follow up correspondence from our service and assist with campaign delivery.

All year 8 children are offered the HPV vaccination which protects them against a range of HPV related cancers. This HPV vaccination is a two dose programme and you will be consenting to both doses. If you wish to change your decision or amend your form at any time after submission, you must contact the immunisation service.

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CUT Performance

CUT Performance

Thank you to everyone involved at Perception Theatre for today's performance on Knife Crime which was outstanding. It has to be one of the most powerful drama performances we have ever seen in school. Years 9 and 10 were excellent and the message really hard hitting, making our young people fully aware of the issues surrounding Knife Crime. It was a very worthwhile experience for all.

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Outward Bound Trip 2022

Outward Bound Trip 2022

A collection of photographs from our Outward Bound trip to Aberdyffi and Snowdonia.

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Fab Feb Half term programme

Fab Feb Half term programme

The Fab Feb Half term programme starts on the 21st February and is packed with a wide variety of activities for children and young people aged 5-16 years old.

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Careers Fair 2022

Careers Fair 2022

We hosted our first annual careers fair on Thursday 27th January since the outbreak of the pandemic. It was great to welcome back so many of our regular exhibitors including both local and national universities. Queens University flew over from Belfast in order to attend, which was massively appreciated by our students, some of whom are very interested in applying for courses there.

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Badmiton City Competition

Badminton City Competition

On Wednesday 26th January, Fazakerley High School hosted the LSSP KS3 Badminton Tournament. Broughton entered two teams of Year 8 and 9 pupils who had been attending Badminton club.

Both teams played fantastically throughout the whole tournament and demonstrated positive attitudes in every game.

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SOLIDWORKS STEM activity day

Techwuman hosted a SOLIDWORKS STEM activity day with a group of Y9 students on the 18th January. Techwuman is an engineering consultancy company that delivers engineering projects as well as promoting careers in STEM industries to the next generation. The day was delivered by the three company directors and a volunteer.

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JCQ release Exam timetables for Summer 2022

JCQ release Exam timetables for Summer 2022

The exam boards have now published their timetables for the summer 2022 examination series. These include GCSE, GCE AS and some vocational examinations.

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What's on in Liverpool: Winter Half Term 2022

What's on in Liverpool: Winter Half Term 2022

What's on in Liverpool: Winter Half Term 2022.

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Letter to Parents / Carers: Christmas 2021

Letter to Parents / Carers from Liverpool City Council

Letter to Parents / Carers from Liverpool City Council

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Year 9 Diploma - Class of 2022

Year 9 Diploma - Class of 2022

Every Year the Year 9 students at Broughton Hall Catholic High School work towards their diploma. The diploma runs throughout the whole of year 9 and prepares students for the next stage of their educational journey. At the end of Year 9 we celebrate the achievement of all our Year 9 graduates and invite all parents/carers to attend the graduation ceremony. This year the Year 9 graduation will take place on Friday 8th July 2022.

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Migrant Leaders

Migrant Leaders

Migrant Leaders provide mentors, training and work experiences with top companies. We are delighted that many of our sixth formers will have the opportunity to work with this programme and access the support which will help prepare them for their first professional job.

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Black History Newsletter

Black History November Newsletter

The November edition of our student created Black History Newsletter is now available.

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Boccia Bowlers

Boccia Bowlers

On Tuesday 23rd November four of our Year 7 pupils participated in a Boccia LSSP event hosted at Fazakerley Academy. This city wide event resulted in a record attendance!! Our pupils were able to demonstrate their resilience when persevering with the highly competitive tasks they were faced with and developed their knowledge of Boccia and the rules of the sport.

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Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Message from the Royal British Legion

Thank you very much Broughton Hall Catholic High School for helping our Appeal, You collected £81.88.

Your support and assistance is greatly appreciated.

Letter from the Directors of Public Health and Education in Liverpool relating to actions to reduce the spread of Covid-19

Letter from the Directors of Public Health and Education in Liverpool relating to actions to reduce the spread of Covid-19

Dear Parents and Carers

Please find attached a letter from the Directors of Public Health and Education in Liverpool relating to actions to reduce the spread of Covid-19.

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Kooth Festive Period Support

Kooth Festive Period Support

You can still access support over the holiday period, Kooth will be online every day including Christmas Day.

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GenderSpace Sessions

GenderSpace Sessions

Special thanks to Christian from Genderspace for the fantastic sessions he delivered raising trans awareness last week in school.

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BBC Bitesize Schools Tour 2021 coming to Broughton Hall

BBC Bitesize Schools Tour 2021 coming to Broughton Hall

We are really excited to announce that the BBC Bitesize Schools Tour 2021 is coming to Broughton Hall to talk about careers in Innovation. The aim of the Bitesize Schools Tour is to raise awareness of the opportunities available in the science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics sectors (STEAM) and give our students practical advice on how they could pursue a career in these areas.

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Bedrock Learning

Bedrock Learning

We have invested in an innovative Literacy learning programme called Bedrock Learning, a website that helps children to learn important academic vocabulary, whilst also encouraging them to read regularly. Educational research shows that children with wide vocabularies make excellent progress at school and in further education.

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Mentors in Violence Prevention Programme

Mentors in Violence Prevention Programme

Thank you to Kate for delivering the fantastic Mentors in Violence Prevention Programme on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th November. A special thank you also to our 21 amazing Year 10 pupils who volunteered to be mentors and work with other young people in order to prevent all forms of violence and abuse. We are really proud of you and the Mercy Values that you are living and promoting.

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Democracy in Action - Schools' Parliament

Democracy in Action - Schools' Parliament

This week members of our Schools Parliament took part in a virtual session led by Child Friendly City Liverpool. Broughton Hall pupils across years 9-12 took part along with other schools across the city. The focus of this session was anti-bullying week and designing a website for Child Friendly City.

Our pupils were able to take part in a workshop by Bullybusters and also present their ideas for how a website for the young people of Liverpool should look and what the key elements as a school we felt should be incorporated. Members of Schools Parliament will be given a vote on which idea they liked the best to include when designing the website.

Shine Award

Shine Award

Year 8 are participating in 'Shine Award'. Pupils are helping each other to learn, 'shine' and reach their potential through a variety of challenges over the year with lots of rewards!

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Dodgeball Quarter-Finalists

Dodgeball Quarter-Finalists

On Wednesday 10th November a mixed Y7/8 team competed at the Liverpool School Sports Partnership dodgeball tournament at North Liverpool Academy. The team were able to display their throwing, catching, blocking and dodging skills under pressure and developed their personal development skills of respect, responsibility and co-operation amongst their own teammates and their opposition.

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LSSP Leadership Training

LSSP Leadership Training

LSSP worked with our Year 10 WJEC and dance students to develop their leadership skills. This will help support the work they do in their exam lessons and will now get the opportunity to represent the school as leader ambassadors to oversee competitions across the school.

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Make a Difference!

Make a Difference!

In the Summer term a number of our pupils attended our Make a Difference club and took part in several activities including: planting sunflower seeds , tidied up our school remembrance memorial and planted poppy seeds. With an eye on helping the environment the pupils also helped with litter picking around the school grounds and recycled t-shirts to make bracelets. Pupils also enjoyed creating some fabulous artwork and a display to promote ways we can 'make a difference', as a result, they have earned and been awarded The Blue Peter Green Badge.

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Summer School

Letter to Parents from Mr G Preston, Head Teacher

Letter to Parents from Mr G Preston, Head Teacher.

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Summer School

Letter to Parents from Matt Ashton, Director of Public Health

Letter to Parents from Matt Ashton, Director of Public Health.

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Summer School

A look back at Summer School

Summer School 2021 was a fantastic success this year. We welcomed 136 of our Year 7 cohort so many of our students who were joining us in September. Each day was jam packed ed with fun engaging activities that enabled students to learn new things as well as become familiar with their new surrounding and make new friends. It was a pleasure to welcome you into our Broughton Hall Family.

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Our new school scarf

Our new school scarf

Following consultation last year with pupils, the Broughton Hall School Scarf is now available for purchase. The scarf is available from school at a cost of £10.

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Netball News October 2021

Netball News October 2021

Year 9 represented Broughton at the LSSp Netball tournament on Thursday 14th October. They had many close games and played very well. Well done!

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Mid-Week Cross-Country League - Race 1

Mid-Week Cross-Country League - Race 1

On Wednesday 22nd September, the Y7 team competed in Calderstones Park at the first cross-country event of the year. The team scored a total of 207 points in the league and look to rival these points in the next race at Camp Hill on Wednesday 20th October.

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Mixed Football Tournament

Mixed Football Tournament

The Y7/8 mixed team were able to compete in their first ever football tournament representing Broughton Hall on Thursday 7th October. The event took place at Tiber Football Centre and was a league style competition with 10 other teams.

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Mercy Day 2021: McMillan Big Coffee Morning

McLaren Technology Centre Visit

On Wednesday 29th September our four finalists of the CyberFirst Girls Competition, ran by GCHQ's National Cyber Security Centre, were invited to a post final celebration at McLaren Technology Centre.

In May 2021, our pupils competed against over 6500 other pupils to secure their place in the final. They came 8th in the UK and were crowned the best all girls state school!

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Mercy Day 2021: McMillan Big Coffee Morning

Mercy Day 2021: McMillan Big Coffee Morning

Mercy Day is the feast day of the Sisters of Mercy across the world. The Sisters of Mercy founded our school in 1928 and each year on the 24 September, we proudly celebrate being a Mercy school.

The founder of the Sisters of Mercy was Catherine McAuley. Sr Catherine encouraged her followers to help each other over a 'good cup of tea' and teaches us that 'small acts of kindness go a long way.'

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Year 11 Support Sessions Autumn 2021

Year 11 Support Sessions Autumn 2021

Year 11 Support Sessions Autumn 2021

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Year 9 Fundraising

Cafod: Eyes of the World

By personal invitation of CAFOD, on Tuesday 24th September, a group of Year 8 pupils from Broughton Hall represented Liverpool secondary schools at the 'Eyes of the World' event at the Pier Head.

Here, pupils met CAFOD's banner, which is on a journey from Cornwall to arrive in Glasgow for November's COP 26 summit on climate change. The banner reminds world leaders who will be in attendance that the "eyes of the world" are watching and expecting decisive action.

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Year 9 Fundraising

Year 9 Fundraising

Congratulations to our Year 9 pupils, Mia, Heidi and Emily for the fantastic fundraising they did at the end of term. The 3 pupils, together with Broughton Hall staff and Shawn from the LFC Premier League Inspires Programme, raised funds for Zoe's Place with an end of term Summer Carnival.

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School Life in 1927

School Life in 1927

It's not uncommon to find a students workbook around school, often a book from a previous year that was simply misplaced and forgotten about, but something you don't find everyday is a book from almost one hundred years ago. An amazing find, a work book from one of our past students that is first dated September 5th 1927 with a log of what work was carried out on that day, "Sept 5th; Made notes on quantities of materials for different garments".

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Flu Vaccination 2021

Flu Vaccination 2021

To all parents/carers of children in years 7 to 11,

Could you please complete your child's electronic flu consent form via this link ASAP
If you have any difficulties accessing the link please contact the corresponding immunisation team who will be happy to help.

Remember flu is a really unpleasant illness and having your child vaccinated with a quick, painless nasal spray is the best way to protect them, your family and friends. We understand that some people may not want to take up this offer and we ask that you still complete the form and choose that you don't want your child to receive it to avoid our service contacting you...

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Changing Perceptions - ADHD Foundation

Changing Perceptions - ADHD Foundation

Changing Perceptions is the largest ADHD conference in Europe, brought to you by ADHD Foundation & @adhdireland. 6 - 9 October 2021.

Day One - educators
Day Two - parents and adults
Day Three - clinicians

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Congratulations Year 11

Congratulations Year 11

We would like to congratulate Year 11 on achieving their GCSE results! We would also like to acknowledge their commitment towards their education, resilience during this difficult time and their dedication in remaining focused throughout the school year. They have conducted themselves in a positive and mature way which reflects the fantastic young people they are! We know they all have a fantastic future ahead of them and wish them the best of luck for whatever they pursue.

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Congratulations Year 13

Congratulations Year 13

We would like to congratulate Year 13 on achieving their A Level results! We would also like to acknowledge their commitment towards their education, resilience during this difficult time and their dedication in remaining focused throughout Sixth Form.

As a result, we are hugely proud of the many successful destinations that our Year 13 have gone onto. We know they all have a fantastic future ahead of them and wish them the best of luck for whatever they pursue!

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Home Office Outreach Programme

Home Office Outreach Programme

On July 6th our winning group of year 9 students from round 1 took part in the final round of the Home office outreach programme. The girls had the challenge of creating a Tiktok storyboard about apprentice opportunities at the Home Office. Our students worked exceptionally well to present their creative idea together as a team. Well done girls!

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Year 6 Parent and Pupil Information 2021

Year 6 Parent and Pupil Information 2021

Year 6 Parent and Pupil Information 2021.

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Summer School 2021

Summer School 2021

We are delighted to be able to offer our new Year 7 students a place at the Broughton Hall Summer School 2021. Students will attend for one week with the dates allocated according to when your daughter's primary school finishes for the summer holidays.

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Caring to Learn Award 2021

Caring to Learn Award 2021

Year 8 are participating in the 'Caring to Learn Award 2021'. Pupils are helping each other to learn, gain confidence and reach their potential through a variety of challenges over the summer term with lots of rewards!

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Letter to Parents: Year 11 Leavers / Transition Support Sessions

Letter to Parents: Year 11 Leavers / Transition Support Sessions

Pupils are understandably keen to know when they "leave school". The Department for Education has set out expectations that schools should continue to provide education and support for all Year 11 students after May half term, through to their final day of school which will be Friday 25th June 2021. The provision between May half term and June 25th will be a combination of face-to-face group work in school and remote education provided through Oak National Academy and other online providers chosen by our staff to best suit our pupils learning. Some of the tasks set will support transition to Sixth Form or other education providers, and pastoral support delivered through PSHE activities.

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Leavers 2020 - Examination Certificate Collection Day

Leavers 2020 - Examination Certificate Collection Day

Due to COVID -19 we did not have the opportunity to host our normal certificate presentation evening in December. We are aware students are eager to collect their official certificates, as many universities and employers ask you to present your original certificates.

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9-hole Foot Golf

9-hole Foot Golf

On Wednesday 19th May, a group of our Y9 pupils had the opportunity to attend a 9-hole Foot Golf event at Aintree Golf Centre with the LSSP. This is the first out of school activity since returning to school, and luckily for us the sun was shining and the girls had an enjoyable (but still competitive) time.

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Outward Bound Trust

Outward Bound Trust

Over the past two weeks our Year 8 and Year 9 pupils have been involved in an in-school adventure programme led by the Outward Bound Trust. Pupils have been participating in various activities independently and as a team to help build on their personal development skills that will aid pupils in school and outside of school, as well as later life.

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Relationships and Sex Education at Broughton Hall

Relationships and Sex Education at Broughton Hall

As part of Broughton Hall's spiral PSHE curriculum this half term Year 7 pupils are learning about puberty, FGM and healthy relationships. during their PSHE lessons and through additional sessions delivered virtually by Brook.

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Lockdown Learning Highlights

Lockdown Learning Highlights

As we adapt back to school life it is important to remember how hard we worked during the lockdown period, we have put together a highlights gallery of some of the great work our pupils produced whilst working from home.

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Introduction to Unifrog Careers Platform for parents.

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Introducing the Broughton Hall Psychology & Health and Social Care Department Lecture Series

Introducing the Broughton Hall Psychology & Health and Social Care Department Lecture Series

Students taking Psychology and Health and Social Care are learning more about these subjects by welcoming a series of guest lecturers into their lessons. Our very first guest was our own Mrs Robinson in the sixth form. Mrs Robinson's fascinating presentation and stories about her identical twin sons helped A Level Psychology students better understand the biological and environmental factors involved in the development of twins.

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Parents Evenings 2021

Virtual Parents Evenings via Edulink

Here at Broughton Hall we are proud to announce our new way of keeping in touch with our parents in this time of COVID-19 and restrictions. For the first time, we will be holding our Virtual Parents Evening via Edulink One.

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Letter to Parents from Steve Reddy, Director of Children's Services

Letter to Parents from Steve Reddy, Director of Children's Services

Letter to Parents from Steve Reddy, Director of Children's Services, 25th March 2021.

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Comic Relief 2021

Comic Relief 2021

Well done to our year 7 pupils who raised £111.25 this year for Comic Relief! Since we couldn't wear red noses in class on top of our masks, our catering staff kindly donated 200 cakes for the year 7 team to sell.

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Cyber First Competition

Cyber First Competition

Four of our Year 8 students (Favour A, Rosie S, Dela L, and Beatrise S) entered the NCSC cyber first girl's competition, the girls have navigated through many different challenges and have now reached the final!

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Broughton Hall featured on Match of the Day

Broughton Hall featured on Match of the Day

Broughton Hall was recently featured on BBC Match of the Day (13th March 2021 episode), showing the great work the LFC Foundation offers to our pupils. Mrs Lodge (Deputy Head), Mr Donaghy (LFC Foundation) and a group of our pupils were filmed taking part in activities and also having a chat with LFC goalkeeper Adrian San Miguel.

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Return to School Guidance

Returning to School Guidance

The Children's Commissioner for England (CCO) has published a guide for children returning to school after lockdown. This guide includes information on some of the changes that children might see when they return to school, as well as tips on what to do if they are feeling worried or nervous. Similarly to the initial Covid guidance that was translated and made available for our EAL parents and students, the Bell Foundation, with the permission of the CCO, has adapted this guide into 20 languages for learners who use English as an Additional Language (EAL).

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Letter to Parents: 4th March 2021

Letter to Parents/ Carers: 4th March 2021

Schools are working hard to welcome back children from 8th March 2021. Arrangements will vary slightly from school to school. Your school will be in touch with you through their normal methods of communication, for example by letter or the school website.

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GCSE and A Level Grading 2021

GCSE and A Level Grading 2021

Today Gavin Williamson Minister of Education delivered a speech in the House of Commons regarding GCSE and A level grading this summer...

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Qwell Well Being

Qwell Well Being

Online emotional wellbeing and mental health support.

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